Tenth Anniversary PLOS Biology Collection
In celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of PLOS Biology, this collection showcases ten specially selected research articles, drawn from a decade of publishing excellent science. The articlesare representative of the high quality research published in the journal over the last decade. The collection also features newly commissioned articles, including thought-provoking pieces on the Open Access movement (past and present), article-level metrics and the history of the Public Library of Science, plus a newly recorded video of PLOS Co-Founder Michael Eisen and PLOS Biology Advisory Board Chair Jonathan Eisen discussing the history and future of the journal and open access.The ten showcased research articles are accompanied by a series of ten blog posts on Biologue, each highlighting the scientific advance and its significance to the field.
Image Credit: Brett Jordan, Flickr
Biologue Naïve, Crazy Idealists Make Good
PLOS Biology What Can Article-Level Metrics Do for You?
PLOS Biology Principles of MicroRNA–Target Recognition
PLOS Biology The Diploid Genome Sequence of an Individual Human