The Signaling Pathways Project is a multi-omics knowledgebase based upon public, manually curated transcriptomic and cistromic (ChIP-Seq) datasets involving genetic and small molecule manipulations of…
Biology & Life Sciences The promises and challenges of neurotechnology to improve human health and cognition
Neurotechnology offers unprecedented opportunities to treat neural disorders, restore brain function and enhance cognitive abilities. However, its vast potential is matched by significant scientific…
Medicine & Health Health Literacy
Health literacy refers to our knowledge of issues relating to our health and well-being, as well as the ability to understand and use information to make decisions about our health…
Earth & Environment Climate Change and Human Health
This collection from PLOS Climate and PLOS Global Public Health shows aspects of the intersection between climate and health, from the changing burden of communicable and non-communicable disease to…
Earth & Environment Perspectives from polar early career scientists – a collaboration with APECS
This Collection brings together a range of Reviews, Opinions and original Research Articles from members of the Association of Polar Early Career Perspectives (APECS)…
Medicine & Health Rare cancers
This Collection has been curated by Guest Editor Mitesh J. Borad, M.D. Professor of Medicine at the Mayo Clinic Arizona and highlights a selection of research on the biology and epidemiology of rare…
Earth & Environment Prediction and Mitigation of Natural Hazards
The PLOS ONE editors, together with guest editors Auroop Ganguly, Renata Libonati, Janna Metzler, and Markus Ries, present a collection of papers on the topic of prediction and mitigation of natural…
Earth & Environment Nature-based Solutions for Climate and Water
As interest and discussion grows around the potential of Nature-based Solutions for Climate and Water, this collection of articles from PLOS Climate and PLOS Water begins to build the evidence and…
Biology & Life Sciences Bringing data to decision making for conservation and biodiversity
Translating conservation and biodiversity research from the field into the real world is a complex problem. This collection discusses issues around economics, policy, and how to do research that…
Medicine & Health Early Detection, Screening and Diagnosis of Cancer
In this collection, we showcase a selection of recently published articles exploring the issues in reaching equitable outcomes in cancer related healthcare especially within the underserved…