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Medicine & Health

Translating the Cancer Genome – Implications for Diagnosis and Treatment 

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Dramatic reductions in the cost of sequencing, as well advances in sequencing technologies, have enabled key insights into the genomic alterations and somatic mutations that lead to cancer and accompany disease progression. For many cancers, the drivers and molecular evolutionary history are now beginning to be understood. This molecular information is being used to develop novel, and in many cases tailored, therapies. The field is at an exciting juncture with promising results emerging from immunotherapy and vaccine development programs. In light of this, PLOS Medicine have published a Special Issue on this topic, guest edited by Dr. Elaine R. Mardis and Dr. Marc Ladanyi.

Image Credit: Dylan Burnette/NIH

Guest Editors
  • Image credit
    Marc Ladanyi
    Dr. Marc Ladanyi
  • Image credit
    Elaine Mardis
    Dr. Elaine R. Mardis
PLOS Medicine Special Issue
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Katherine Hoadley and Marni Siegel discuss their paper, “Tumor Evolution in Two Patients with Basal-like Breast Cancer” in this AMA.

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