Publishing Dual Use Research of Concern: A Case Study
The implications of publishing dual use research of concern (DURC) continues to be a topic widely and deeply discussed in the scientific community. In a series of Opinion articles, PLOS Pathogens intends to contribute to this ongoing debate with four balanced and differing perspectives from notable members of the scientific community. The four author groups represented in these Opinions include Drs. Ryan S. Noyce and David H. Evans, two authors of a recent PLOS ONE study on Horsepox virus, Dr. Volker Thiel, who served as Academic Editor for the article describing the study, and Dr. Thomas Inglesby, Jr. and Dr. Kevin M. Esvelt, both of whom have advocated for changes in the peer reviewing and publishing of DURC-related research. These authors, use the PLOS ONE paper as a springboard for their Opinions.
Image Credit: History and pathology of vaccination, Edgar March Crookshank (1889)
PLOS Pathogens Horsepox: Framing a dual use research of concern debate
PLOS Pathogens Synthetic viruses—Anything new?