The World Register of Marine Species
This collection has been created by the editors of the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), an open-access online database which holds information on all marine species, and some of their freshwater and terrestrial relatives. The WoRMS database contains species names, synonyms, sources and a range of other information, as described in the overview. The collection complements the database by synthesising current knowledge and understanding about a variety of taxa. Papers can cover any taxonomic level, from a genus to phylum, and any number of species. The scope of individual papers may vary because of the peculiarities of the taxon, available information, and interests of the authors. However, they generally contain information on the history, anatomy and diagnostic features, ecology, biogeography, physiology, and economic importance.
Image Credit: Johnsen et al. (2009)
PLOS ONE The Global Diversity of Hemichordata
PLOS ONE Global Diversity of Ascidiacea
PLOS ONE Marine Reptiles
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