The Global Challenges of Noncommunicable Diseases
Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are responsible for two-thirds of the world's deaths, one-fourth of which occur before the age of 60. Nearly 80% of NCD deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, where they are also increasing most rapidly. With these global needs and disparities in mind, PLOS Medicine launched a collection of research and commentary on NCDs directed toward improving population health and reducing health disparities.
Image Credit: Satish Krishnamurthy, Flickr; Daniel Oines, Flickr; Biswarup Ganguly, Wikimedia Commons; Bernard Goldbach, Flickr
PLOS Medicine Noncommunicable Diseases: A Globalization of Disparity?
PLOS Medicine Melanocytic Nevi as Biomarkers of Breast Cancer Risk
Image creditSatish Krishnamurthy, Flickr; Daniel Oines, Flickr; Biswarup Ganguly, Wikimedia Commons; Bernard Goldbach, FlickrPLOS Medicine The Health Effects of Motorization
Image creditSatish Krishnamurthy, Flickr; Daniel Oines, Flickr; Biswarup Ganguly, Wikimedia Commons; Bernard Goldbach, FlickrPLOS Medicine The Tobacco Endgame: Is It Possible?