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Subject Area: Biology & Life Sciences

Showing 21 to 30 of 166 posts
  • A PLOS Collection Neuroscience of Reward and Decision Making

    Humans and other animals must make decisions in order to survive. To make a decision, it is necessary to consider the costs and benefits of a given choice and learn from the resulting outcomes to make…

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  • A PLOS Collection Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease Dynamics

    Mathematical modeling of biological processes has contributed to improving our understanding of real-world phenomena and predicting dynamics about how life operates. Mathematical approaches have…

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  • A PLOS Collection Microbial Ecology of Changing Environments

    PLOS ONE is excited to publish a Collection on the theme of Microbial Ecology of Changing Environments. From the response and contribution of microbes to climate change to the impacts on microbes of…

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  • A PLOS Collection PLOS Genetics Top 10%

    PLOS Genetics is home to high-quality research in Genetics and Genomics, including human studies and model organisms . Each year, we celebrate the impact our authors have had in these fields and share…

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  • A PLOS Collection PLOS Computational Biology Top 10%

    PLOS Computational Biology is home to research on living systems at all scales—from molecules and cells, to patient populations and ecosystems—through the application of computational…

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  • A PLOS Collection PLOS NTDs Top 10%

    PLOS NTDs is home to leading research on the world’s most neglected tropical diseases. Each year, we celebrate the impact our authors have had in these fields and share out the body of work…

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  • A PLOS Collection Genomic Imprinting and Epigenetic Regulation: A Tribute to Denise Barlow

    The work of Denise Barlow revolutionised the field of epigenetics. She spent the majority of her career identifying and studying the mechanistic regulation of the Igf2r imprinted gene cluster and as a…

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  • A PLOS Collection PLOS Pathogens Top 10%

    At PLOS Pathogens we publish outstanding research on pathogenic organisms including bacteria, fungi, parasites, prions and viruses. Each year, we celebrate the impact our authors have had and share…

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  • A PLOS Collection Stem Cell Plasticity in Tissue Repair and Regeneration

    Stem cells bring hope to revolutionize biomedical fields given their potential to give rise to any cell type in the body. The papers included in this collection reflect the interdisciplinary nature of…

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  • A PLOS Collection Blood-Brain Barrier Biology in Health and Pathology

    The strict regulation of the microenvironment by the blood-brain barrier is a key component of central nervous system function. Changes in the structure and function of this unique and dynamic…

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