Responding to Climate Change
A global forum for research responding to the impacts of climate change
Image Credit: Inchi9, CC-BY
+ More About This ChannelClimate change is the greatest single danger faced by humanity and our planet. Climate change has led to devastating extreme weather events, loss of biodiversity and ecosystems, stresses to food-producing systems and the global spread of infectious diseases. Moreover it represents a great threat for one of the most important elements for life on our planet: water.
The PLOS Responding to Climate Change Channel highlights research efforts from a range of disciplines focussed on understanding, evaluating, predicting, mitigating, and adapting to the causes and effects of the changing climate.
The Channel Editors showcase the most up to date and impactful research to assist stakeholders responding to the impacts of climate change, including researchers, policymakers, educators and the general public.
Channel Editors

Inchi9, CC-BY

Inchi9, CC-BY

Inchi9, CC-BY

Inchi9, CC-BY

Inchi9, CC-BY
EurekAlert! Science News More than half of world’s oceans already being affected by climate change
Climate Change Learning about climate change in, with and through art